Three straight days of meetings to help resolve the NHL lockout didn’t accomplish that goal, but at the very least some more minor details were discussed and resolved. Drug testing? Check. Resolving the lockout? Not so much. But hey, they’re meeting, right? That’s a good sign, right? Sure, says Steve Fehr.
You know that things are contentious when one of the perks of two sides talking is that they spoke in the first place. Will they be meeting on Monday? No, because both sides “need to do their homework.” Good for them – knowing what you’re discussing before you discuss it is a great thing. But doing their homework for meetings? What is today’s date again? Oh, right, it’s October 1st.
The CBA expired on September 15th and there was minimal urgency until this summer to even remotely consider fixing anything. They drug their feet until the last possible minute like a kid who doesn’t want to do a book report. When the report was due and the consequences of not doing it were smack in the kid’s face, then they started to panic and work hard, but they goofed anyway and didn’t do what they were supposed to. Now they’re scrambling to get the assignment in late in hopes that the teacher doesn’t care.
Well, the players are playing overseas and in the AHL now. Folks’ livelihoods are on the line. People are getting laid off. “Better late than never!” might be their mantra when it comes to resolving these talks, but the teacher has moved on to the next lesson. The kid failed.